Cross-Pollinating Innovation

August 26, 2021By Kim Porter
HatchOne is currently collaborating with another product development company. During a recent brainstorm, we realized the innovation value that Hatch One adds because of our involvement on such varied products. Product development innovation is accelerated by the creative opportunities individual projects bring to the table. I read one of my favorite books on innovation (Managing [...]

Visualize, Sketch, CAD

July 19, 2021By Kim Porter
HatchOne utilizes sketches early to share concepts and build consensus. The ability to visualize — and then communicate — what is in your brain to paper (or screen) is key to early product success. Product innovation begins with a clear problem statement that catalyzes concept solutions. Getting visualized concepts from your brain to paper is [...]

Bicycle Disc Brake – Heat Sink

June 28, 2021By Kim Porter
HatchOne often gets asked to recommend products based on unique design elements. We also stay aware of clever innovations that can be used cross-functionally in different products. We climbed a mountain pass recently on bike and while riding behind a clearly outfitted road rider, noticed a heat sink on the rear disc brake. Brilliant, I [...]

“I have a great product idea!”

May 25, 2021By Kim Porter
Creating products and being an entrepreneur. What does it take to get a product to market? Getting a product to market takes more than a good idea.  Good and great ideas can be the catalysts for product launches and certainly can fulfill dreams.  But keen awareness is needed that getting an idea to market likely [...]

Design and the Brain – Right and Left

April 27, 2021By Kim Porter
The Brain This blog was originally going to talk about the importance of utilizing the analytical and process side of our brains along with the artistic and creative side in product development.  It didn’t take me long to learn that there really isn’t a ‘side’ of the brain one uses versus another, but that all [...]

Design is our Name, Process is our Game

March 23, 2021By Kim Porter
The importance of design processes in product development. Product Development Process  Processes are critical for efficient and innovative product development that drive margins for revenue. HatchOne uses a five phase approach for full product development projects.  Each phase can be gated with go/no-go decisions and allows for important revision cycles for proof-of-concept, specifications and prototype [...]

Creative Plastic in Engineering

February 21, 2021By Kim Porter
Thermal Conductive Polymer Tech  Understanding thermal heat transfer in products is key for innovative engineering solutions in product design and development. What is a thermally conductive polymer?  Thermally conductive polymer materials come from high-tech and were developed in part, to provide conductive cooling in products that produce a lot of heat. The ability to injection [...]

10 Products in 12 Months

January 25, 2021By Kim Porter
Lora DiCarlo is a startup designing micro-robots for the health and wellness industry.  Success during a pandemic is getting innovative products to market as quickly as possible to generate sustaining revenue and company growth. What does it take to get 10 products to market in 12 months?   Process Partnership Empowered Team  These three are key [...]

3 Ways Visual Frames Build Brands

December 31, 2020By Kim Porter
Business plans are documents that outline the details of a business - usually a startup - and define its objectives and how to achieve specific goals.  It’s a written roadmap from marketing, financial and operational perspectives. What’s missing in most business plans is any specifics about the business brand.  Most often a ‘brand’ is associated [...]

Passive Cooling in Product Design

November 18, 2020By Kim Porter
If mechanical designers ruled the world, all electro-mechanical products would be passively cooled. Why? There are five primary reasons: Eliminate moving parts that fail Decrease the cost of the equipment Eliminate noise  Decrease repairs and maintenance Ensure warranty  These are the promises of passive cooling systems in products, and really, they lead to a win-win-win [...]

Material Choices in Product Design

October 10, 2020By Kim Porter
Don’t discount material choice in product development. Brand Oxo products are a great example of material choice building brand equity.  Oxo came out with a line of kitchen utensils using TPR overmold as a design element.  Oxo became known for ‘black handles’ along with clear, user-based forms. Product Choosing the right material can make or [...]

MOMA Product Success

August 27, 2020By Kim Porter
Two designs decades apart.  Getting products into MOMA involves three key areas for success. Blog Post by Kim Porter   Brand Equity Brand equity is the first key area for MOMA consideration.  This means a clear, concise vision of what your product is about, a signature look and form driving product function.  Kipiis was not [...]

Whiteboard Product Development

July 8, 2020By Kim Porter
3 Ways Whiteboards Contribute to the Product Development Process Blog Post By Kim Porter   A lot of people think there is a clear delineation between right- and left-brain thinking; and that you’re either right or left. Left-brain dominant thinkers have an aptitude for logic, reasoning, language, and numbers. That’s why most engineers are very [...]

Three things that get Products to Market

July 8, 2020By Kim Porter
Kipiis Bib Clips, “Make Anything a Bib”   We all have great ideas that make great products; we are all designers.  The difference is whether we take action to create the products we imagine.  HatchOne’s clients have great ideas and a lot of passion.  The initial meet-and-greet involves sharing three basic needs for successful product [...]