Creating products and being an entrepreneur. What does it take to get a product to market? Getting a product to market takes more than a good idea. Good and great ideas can be the catalysts for product launches and certainly can fulfill dreams. But keen awareness is needed that getting an idea to market likely [...]
The Brain This blog was originally going to talk about the importance of utilizing the analytical and process side of our brains along with the artistic and creative side in product development. It didn’t take me long to learn that there really isn’t a ‘side’ of the brain one uses versus another, but that all [...]
The importance of design processes in product development. Product Development Process Processes are critical for efficient and innovative product development that drive margins for revenue. HatchOne uses a five phase approach for full product development projects. Each phase can be gated with go/no-go decisions and allows for important revision cycles for proof-of-concept, specifications and prototype [...]
Lora DiCarlo is a startup designing micro-robots for the health and wellness industry. Success during a pandemic is getting innovative products to market as quickly as possible to generate sustaining revenue and company growth. What does it take to get 10 products to market in 12 months? Process Partnership Empowered Team These three are key [...]
Business plans are documents that outline the details of a business - usually a startup - and define its objectives and how to achieve specific goals. It’s a written roadmap from marketing, financial and operational perspectives. What’s missing in most business plans is any specifics about the business brand. Most often a ‘brand’ is associated [...]
3 Ways Whiteboards Contribute to the Product Development Process Blog Post By Kim Porter A lot of people think there is a clear delineation between right- and left-brain thinking; and that you’re either right or left. Left-brain dominant thinkers have an aptitude for logic, reasoning, language, and numbers. That’s why most engineers are very [...]